APRIL 2012
Date: 12/03/2012
As Director, I look back on the 2012 year, and the 20th year of the EI Camino Classics Club's ... Sad memories and some Great memories, like: local cruises and social events. And I enjoyed working alongside some great dedicated members. As we attended our Club's meeting with purpose, we collectively agreed on positive ways our Club should grow and move forward. Like our webmaster updating our professional and informative web site. New El Camino owners that have joined us from across the USA, tell us, they found the EL Camino Club on the internet.
Again we hosted a very successful 20th year and King Charley's Show. I would like to thank our Club members that volunteered their time and energy, with a great attitude toward team work. You should be proud. Great Show ... The Club will be publishing our first El Camino 2013 Calendar ... I like to call these Calendars 'Reflections of El Camino's past'. Our members are also finalizing an information tri-fold all about the El Camino Classics Club's history, scheduled meetings, Club's fun activities, photos and a membership application form; and with club's mailing address, and website. This will be another way to promote the El Camino Classics Club. This tri-fold looks very professional and very informative about this Club. The Club members will be able to hand the tri-fold out when the opportunity is available to inform other El Camino owners how much fun and successful our club has become, and awareness of this Everett based El Camino Classics Club.
So what better way than show off our member's El Camino's with an article with their vehicle information and before and after stories and photos in MY RIDE section of newsletter and web site. The Club wants to thank Mike Bull for his article about his Black beauty a 1967 EL Camino. The Club thanks Mike for your participation. This year has presented us with some personal challenges for Georgia and I, and some of our Club members. We just want to say thanks to our Club members that have helped support each other through this year's challenges. We really appreciative your thoughts and prayers which gave us strength for the healing process. On another sad note our Club lost a close dear friend and member.
Jan Countryman will be and is dearly missed.
Hey, members thank you for suggestions and input about these subjects. Feel free to contact any of our officers with your thoughts.
My Two Seat Sweet Ride ... Carl